
• 校本教學資源。


• 主題為本單元與習作。


• 綜合閱讀計劃 – 以優良讀本貫串全年的學習課題。


• 常識科元素融入英語課程。


• 通過表達、解難和文學賞析學習英語。


• 融合話劇、詩歌、遊戲、唱歌、講故事、作文比賽等活動於課程內,以提高學生的溝通能力、藝術欣



• 每個學生都有一個學習檔案,包括該學生的學習發展報告和學習材料,以便跟進學生在每單元的學習





Primary English Performing Arts (EPA) __Grade 1-6

The primary EPA curriculum consists of four core areas: dance, drama, music and voice. Through EPA, students get to learn some basic drama and music theories as well as how to make use of their voice and body to express feelings. Exposure to different beat types in the dance sessions enables students to improve their own standard of fitness in dance as well as to co-ordinate their body with rhymes and move responsively to instructions and musical notes. Working on different chants, musicals and poems helps to enhance their vocal variety and improve their singing abilities through learning different songs. All these contribute in developing skills such as teamwork and confidence building in students through creative and interactive activities.

In Grade 6 EPA, students work on improving their presentation skills, learn the skills of debate and participate in debating competitions; and work on producing performances with a clear and comprehensible storyline.  They also write scripts which include all the literary elements of character, plot, setting, climax and solution.