Pui Kiu and I 11C CATOLICO Margarita Camille Ramos
In more ways than one, Pui Kiu College has played an essential part in my personal growth. The past few years, five to be exact, have been a journey full of both the anticipated and the unexpected. Although my views towards school and education have remained unaltered, I must point out that Pui Kiu College has allowed me to develop as an all-rounded person and has broadened my horizons. This school has, in fact, served as a stepping stone in my life.
Simply stating that Pui Kiu is just but an institution for educating its students is a complete understatement; the majority of the most essential moralities and principles have been outlined in the school’s curriculum. While I have devoted years at this school fretting over my school work and challenges, I have also been able to embrace the values which have come along with it.
One such value which can be obtained from Pui Kiu College is the importance of time. In some cases, time is seen as a commodity; it can be purchased and sold as if it needs not any careful concern, much like the phrase ‘time is money’. However, the experience I have undergone in this school proves that this concept is surely not as straightforward. This apparent statement implies that time is one of the most vital factors which come into play in our academic journey, and therefore in our personal growth as well. This makes time management an important asset to possess. Had it not been for such awareness, our personal life and success would have been at stake.
Another aforesaid value is the personal relationships I have developed in this school. The personal relationships with my schoolmates and teachers allow me to develop a clear understanding towards my behavior. They give me a chance to expand the concepts I have imposed on myself and to break free for my emotional baggage. Personal relationships allow us to reveal our flaws to each other which can help both parties mature when these vulnerabilities are approached. As a matter of fact, these connections propel us forward by bringing the aforementioned weaknesses to light. Acceptance is bound to help anyone break down these deficiencies and advance into better aspects of ourselves.
One of my greatest strengths also happen to be one of the areas which I have undergone the most progress—my confidence. I am certain that the majority of people would be surprised to know that I used to be rather diffident. Personally speaking, the heightened confidence in me is potentially one of the most significant things Pui Kiu has done for me. When we appreciate who we are and put more trust into ourselves, we tend to make better decisions and choices. Individuals who are confident are not afraid to be themselves and know who they are—their goals, their moral, their talents. Self-assurance is essential in every aspect of our lives as it has the capacity to change everything.
Thus, I would like to thank this school with great humility and profound gratitude. Pui Kiu has allowed me to grow and develop into a better person who is more than I can ask for. Had it not been for Pui Kiu, I would have never been able to become the person I am today.